Sekilas Tentang PT Pamapersada Nusantara
PT Pamapersada Nusantara merupakan salah satu kontraktor tambang terbesar yang ada di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini sudah lama berdiri dan memiliki reputasi yang baik di bidang pertambangan. Kegiatan usaha PT Pamapersada Nusantara sendiri sudah berlangsung dari tahun 1993, dan telah mengerjakan berbagai pekerjaan pertambangan bersama perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka lainnya.
Perusahaan ini juga menjadi salah satu perusahaan favorit bagi para pencari kerja di bidang pertambangan. Kredibilitas perusahaan ini merupakan daya tarik tersendiri bagi para pencari kerja, selain itu upah yang diberikan pun tergolong besar.
Gaji Pegawai PT Pamapersada Nusantara
- Accounting Rp8.500.000
- Admin Rp4.500.000
- Arsitek Rp11.000.000
- Assistant civil and architect Rp9.500.000
- Budget control and business support officer Rp6.100.000
- Business development officer Rp4.500.000
- Corporate planning and management development Rp8.100.000
- Corporate social responsibility Rp7.600.000
- Cost control Rp7.000.000
- Customer services Rp3.500.000
- Data management officer Rp4.500.000
- Driver Rp3.200.000
- Engineering people development officer Rp5.000.000
- Engineering group leader Rp8.000.000
- Finance and administration officer Rp5.000.000
- Financial planning and business support Rp5.300.000
- Foreman Rp4.800.000
- General services group leader Rp5.600.000
- Geotechnical engineer Rp8.550.000
- Graphic designer Rp4.550.000
- Health safety environment (HSE) Rp5.200.000
- HSE trainee Rp4.250.000
- Human capital officer Rp5.700.000
- Human resource and general affairs Rp6.300.000
- Human resource development (HRD) Rp6.200.000
- Industrial relationship officer Rp5.200.000
- Information system officer Rp4.500.000
- Operations instructor Rp4.000.000
- Internal auditor Rp7.000.000
- Internship Rp2.500.000
- IT auditor Rp8.000.000
- IT infrastructure Rp8.400.000
- IT network Rp8.800.000
- IT specialist Rp9.000.000
- IT support Rp8.300.000
- Knowledge management officer Rp4.500.000
- Logistics Rp3.500.000
- Maintenance planner Rp4.800.000
- Maintenance supervisor Rp7.800.000
- Management development officer Rp4.600.000
- Management trainee Rp6.000.000
- Marketing Rp4.000.000
- Mechanic Rp5.100.000
- Mine infrastructure engineer Rp8.100.000
- Mine plan engineer Rp7.600.000
- Mine water treatment Rp7.000.000
- Mining operator Rp5.400.000
- Office boy Rp2.500.000
- Operation research engineer Rp5.500.000
- Operator Rp4.000.000
- Payment staff Rp4.500.000
- Payroll officer Rp5.100.000
- Plant group leader Rp7.300.000
- Plant technical expert Rp7.000.000
- Procurement Rp4.000.000
- Production group leader Rp7.000.000
- Project manager Rp8.500.000
- Purchasing officer Rp4.500.000
- Quality assurance Rp5.700.000
- Recruitment and selection office Rp6.200.000
- Reliability engineer Rp5.900.000
- Safety officer Rp4.500.000
- Scientific analytic engineer Rp6.500.000
- Security Rp3.500.000
- Strategic sourcing Rp4.700.000
- Supervisor Rp7.700.000
- Supply chain management Rp4.500.000
- Supply management Rp4.500.000
- Supply management group leader Rp5.200.000
- Support facility and event Rp4.800.000
- Surveyor Rp4.4350.000
Daftar gaji diatas hanya merupakan referensi yang kami kumpulkan dari sumber terbuka, semoga bermanfaat untuk kalian!